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Other Specialty Classes

"Excellent instructors. Very knowledgeable and personable. Gave real life examples of trauma and treatment. Emphasized the need at times to be creative with available resources while maintaining appropriate treatment fundamentals." ~ Dickinson Family



Basic 12-lead ECG

Fee:  $100


Time:  Approximately 3 hours


Certification:  Badge Program


Testing:  Skills testing


This course is a beginner 12-lead ECG course, intended to equip students with the knowledge on how to properly perform an ECG.  It will also cover the basics of recognition of some dangerous cardiac dysrhythmias that may be considered a medical emergency.  ​This is not a comprehensive cardiac dysrhythmia course, but the participants will learn the basics of cardiac rhythm interpretation.  


Upon successful completion, the student will receive a badge (printed form) of the training/skills performed.


If requested, we can teach a group at your facility for a minimum of 6 students.  Visit our Group Classes here for further information. 


Scheduling for groups and corporate trainings upon request. 

Basic Wilderness First Aid + Bleeding Control

Fee:  $115


Time:  8 Hours


Certification:   None. Student will receive a Basic Wilderness First Aid and bleeding control course completion certificate


Testing:  No testing required.


This is an 8-hour interactive course designed for students who enjoy outdoor activities. The experienced instructors will assist you in navigating an injury or survival situation students may encounter in the wilderness.


The course will cover basic survival skills, wilderness safety tips, SARSAT/GPS devices, helicopter landing zone procedure, ATV/UTV extractions, environmental first aid procedures, animal bites and stings, bleeding control, bandaging, and wilderness style splinting.


Upon completion of this course, students will have the skills and ability to tackle most emergency situations that may occur while enjoying outdoor/wilderness activity.  


If requested, we can teach a group at your facility for a minimum of 6 students.  Visit our Group Classes here for further information. 


Scheduling for groups and corporate trainings upon request. 

Bleeding Control

Fee:  $15 


Time:  2 hours.


Certification:  Course completion certificate.


Testing:  No testing required.

Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes. Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. This course is based on the curriculum from, initiative of the American College of Surgeons, to teach anyone the various ways to control bleeding.  After course completion, the student will have the skills and confidence to control bleeding including how to properly apply a tourniquet.


Intended for construction workers, arborists, mechanical,  teachers, police officers, and any individual who wants to learn more than what is taught in a First Aid class on how to control bleeding.


If requested, we can teach a group at your facility for a minimum of 10 students. Visit our Group Classes here for further information. 


Scheduling for groups and corporate trainings upon request. 

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